Business Acceleration Mastermind for

Coaches, Creatives, & Healers




Ditch the Chaos for More Control Over Your Business and the Ability to Book Clients Regularly, Instead of an Unpredictable Business Filled with Hustle!


Brand Influence


High Quality Offer


Growth Strategy

hustle breakthrough

establish expert level credibility, master your marketing & book premium clients every month

Do you want to be booked out with clients consistently?

Do you dream of the sustainability of those big months (hello 50k!) on repeat? 

Do you see yourself successfully navigating a six figure business day to day, without hustling hard and wondering where your next clients are coming from?

Repeatedly filling your programs with clients who are perfect for you is essential if you want to be here long-term!

With this groundbreaking framework you can have it all… 

MORE money in the bank and a business that serves you, 

all while CLAIMING YOUR SPACE in the online world!

This program is designed for you to call in qualified clients and have more control of your business within the first 2 weeks! 

Imagine what would happen if you chose to believe in your power to create the reality you want, instead of shrinking within your current self-limiting reality…

How would it feel to completely lean in, with the TENACITY and COURAGE to take quantum leaps?

What if you could effortlessly call in the clients that get you fired up inside, and can afford to hire you on the spot?

It’s time to raise your standards from a place of self-love, manifest your big vision and get LOUD enough to captivate those you were born to serve!

If you want things to change, you have to…

Get aligned with who you really are and stop blending in with the crowd.

Stop playing it safe and recycling your experiences.

Be boldly confident to own your sh*t and let the world know who you are so you get PAID!

We can woo woo all day but you don’t have to be aligned AF about everything to start selling.

How This Works

►1:1 biweekly coaching for up to 90-minutes  over 4 (6) months

►Zoom recording and google doc notes with follow-up from each call

►Email and Whatsapp/Slack  communication for the length of our time together


►Deep dive into your quality ideal client, price points for offers & levels of serving them

►Full audit of offers, marketing content, messaging, systems, automation, etc.; for client attraction and sales acceleration

►Support & feedback on IPAs

►You give 110%



About YOur Coach

Hi, I’m Cheryl,

an Intuitive Personal Branding Specialist and Growth Strategist that helps entrepreneurs strategize and simplify their businesses. If you want dope results, you need premium offers, high level marketing & an elevated sales process to close more clients to get it.

I started doing internet marketing in 2012 and taught over 3k students in my courses before building a coaching business. For years I was crazy enough to think that I could create a consistent income using my online marketing and branding expertise and now I teach experts just like you how to become marketing mavericks, without all the filter and fluff.

I work with you on an intuitive and energetic approach in your marketing strategy to captivate the unique UNMASKED and UNAPOLOGETIC version of yourself.

I teach you how to give yourself permission to trust and lean into every part of who you are so that you emotionally trigger your audience on a consistent basis w/o harboring feelings of shame, regret, or uncertainty.

I’m heavy on the ALIGNMENT, AUTHENTICITY, DISCERNMENT, and CLARITY you need to ditch fear and thrive! But keep in mind, you don’t have to be in unbending alignment about everything to start making sales!

You need a healthy balance of masculine AND feminine energy sprinkled with strategy to get what you want out of your business!

So, how does this help you?

You catalyze connections, cultivate clients, and create opportunities on demand!

If netflix, amazon prime & hulu can do it, why can’t you?

What’s my point?

These companies are the Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Maybach in the streaming industry and if you put them all in a pool of options, you will most likely have a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice based on prices, offers, accessibility, perks and whatever else. 

If you compare and contrast, you will see how VALUE and POSITIONING makes them wildly successful. They understand the call to brand for R.E.A.L.(Retention, Elevation, Attraction, and Longevity), which is why customers tend to stay on deck and refuse to get off at the dock.

Your spot will not be compromised when you position your brand as the BEST choice for your clients by making it a primary element in their day, criss-crossing your industry with a fearless quest to be IRRESISTIBLE AF.

 core framework

You’ll master the energetics behind a successful brand, with an amplified voice and identity that makes you stand out and positions you as the best servant for those you show up for whether you sign them as a client or not.

You’ll learn a new way to collect data so that serving the current need of your target market is a game changer and the ONLY choice that will get them results. Couple that with a strategic plan to share your offers boldly with content that supports your mission and vision.

You’ll need to be stronger and more courageous in your decision making, problem solving, and action taking to have launches that don’t make you cringe or feel like you never want to launch again.  My unique methodology will help you step into the leader you are called to be.

Your story will make you more money and create more paid opportunities for you than anything else you can think of. Your truth, your experiences, your journey coupled with the unique parts of your personality you keep hidden is the disruption the marketplace needs. This is how you’ll sell without selling.

You’ll tap into your energy as the most unmasked, unapologetic version of yourself to call in your aligned clients. Your voice and your truth is what you need to cut through the noise, land with soulmate clients, and create launches that sell out.

Your business is not like everyone else’s. Your sales process should be customized and tailored to accommodate your customer’s journey with you from the point of first interaction and throughout the buying cycle. This happens with simple funnel monetization. This also happens with a visibility plan that supports your offering.

This bonus module is for you to create a bullet-proof system for predictable income without non-stop hustle. All of your backend processes and BTS work will be created with ease so that you have structure and organization. It also includes the tools you need for your launches, automation, and daily activities as a business owner. 

Here’s what you can expect:

►Elimination of rules and laws that you’ve consciously and subconsciously created. You create who you want to be with true intention, uncover your capabilities, and cross the finish line every time.

►Guidance and support to create your kickass offers or breathe new life into your current ones. This will include claiming your individuality, ownership of  your value, and leaning into your leadership as a CEO like you never have before.

►We’ll simplify your business model so you have more control over your business instead of it controlling your quality of life. You will build a business that pays you to seek out your pleasures and gives you pleasure too.


who this is for

You’re committed to transformation.

You’re “all in” when it comes to taking control of your life and having $12k+ months and beyond.

You’re coachable and ready to step into your leadership as a CEO.

who this is not for

You’re not willing to invest the time and money to get to your next level.

You’re not mentally, spiritually, and emotionally ready to perform at your highest level.

You think posting in Facebook groups is a marketing strategy.



Payment plans are available. 


Click the link below and fill out the form to be considered for a 1:1 spot in Hustle Breakthrough.


Those who are willing to work for what they want, are the only ones who get results. There’s no complaining and no excuses, period.
I cannot by any means give you a guaranteed result in how much money you will make at any given time. I simply do not know.
All I can do is show you what you need to do to innovate the life you desire to have. I’ve taken all of my knowledge and experiences in the game and put it into this program so that you can start making consistent 5 figure months. But…you have to do the work, for reals.


Text Me @ (347) 658-4035